Thursday, March 28, 2013

Foot Nerve Pain Relief

Foot Nerve Pain Relief

Foot Pain Relief Podiatrists typically treat painful diabetic neuropathy with oral medications, although other treatments such as electric stimulation therapy may help. A combination of medications and treatments can improve overall nerve pain. Consult your doctor about options for treating your neuropathy

Thursday, March 21, 2013

At Your Feet Footcare | Foot Pain: When to contact a doctor. | At Your Feet Footcare

Call your doctor immediately if:
  • You have sudden, severe foot pain.
  • Your foot pain began following an injury, especially if your foot is bleeding or bruising, or you cannot put weight on it.
  • You have redness or swelling of the joint, an open sore or ulcer on your foot, or a fever.
  • You have pain in your foot and have diabetes or a disease that affects blood flow.

Foot Pain: When to contact a doctor.

Ouch, that hurts and it’s been over two weeks. Err on the side of caution, call your doctor immediately if: You have sudden, severe foot pain. Your foot pain began following an injury, especially if your foot is bleeding or bruising, or you cannot put weight on it.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Athletic footwear for your kids.

When children participate in a sport, they should wear shoes designed specifically for the demands of that particular sport. The primary criteria is a good fit, typically a thumb’s width from the tip of the child’s toe to the end of the shoe. The heel of the shoe should not slip off the foot as the child walks or runs. The only way to determine if the shoe is a good fit is to observe if they experience any discomfort or pain after a few days of wear and tear.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Typical causes of foot pain.

Middletown: Fair Elections Forum with Assemblymembers Skoufis and Gunther

New York's system of financing campaigns is broken. Support reform that will restore fairness and integrity to the democratic process. Publicly financed elections will lower campaign contributions to $2000, limiting the dominance of special interests and wealthy donors in state affairs. By publicly matching small donors, this system amplifies the voices of average voters. Join us Saturday afternoon, March 16th in Middletown at the Thrall Library to learn more! Already in place in several states and in NYC, this system has begun to change the game. Gun control, hydrofracking, Wall Street and big banks all use their financial advantage to influence our elected officials. Come learn how to support this important reform at this pivotal point for New York State.

Media Strategist