Friday, January 7, 2011

Social Media Basics

Just a bite

Expand your reach and influence online

Would you like to learn more ways to make your blog postings, tweets and other status updates more effective? If so, please join me at PRSA’s Feb. 22 webinar, “Write for Social Media.” You’ll learn how to:
  • Use the 70-20-10 rule for engaging your followers, plus other tips for making sure your status updates are welcome guests, not intrusive pests.
  • Pass the “who cares?” test and four other techniques for becoming a resource, not a bore, on social media.
  • Get retweeted and liked. Learn a dozen steps for expanding your influence and reach on Facebook and Twitter.
  • Tweet like the FBI. Write dramatic, compelling status updates that draw followers and get clicks.
  • Make your posts personable. There’s a reason they call it “social” media.
  • Tweak your tweets. Get your message across in 140 characters or less. Plus, learn how to make 140 characters go further — and when you must come in under the character limit.
Excerpt from Ann Wylie's Writing Tips

Learn more about social media,

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