Sunday, February 13, 2011

Developing an Online Presence.

Developing an Online Presence

Find your Voice          
Don’t  offer  what is already out there.  No one will pay you any bother.  Offer interesting, original, unique content and provide something of real value.  
Authenticity and transparency are a must.

Intellectual Property ™
Does Facebook own everything I post and upload on my site?  Not exactly, in theory you have legal recourse should anyone steal any of your intellectual property.  The truth is that the rewards may not be worth the energy and expense.  Same goes for slander. 
My personal policy is that I don’t post anything on the net unless I’m prepared to face these harsh, yet unlikely consequences.
Keep it simple.
The most successful campaigns and messaging speak with one voiceAll of your promotional efforts on Radio, Print, TV, Direct Mail, and the Net should be easily identifiable.  The voice, tone, typefaces, colors, and feel should all be consistent.
¨  Add something personal to your profile, on and off the net
¨  Use concise headers no more than eight words, bullets, icons and other graphics to highlight critical selling points.  
¨  Readers tend to scan, keep your pages short, and stay on topic. 
¨  Integrate keywords mindful of density.
¨  Avoid slang and colloquialisms.
¨  Less is always more when copywriting, get to the point.
¨  Write using an active voice.
¨  Break key ideas into bullet points. 

Developing an Online Presence
Editorial Guidelines
Google       http://
Yahoo!       http://
MSN          http://

Delete all offensive content on your sites. 

Don’t overdo it!
¨  Don’t say anything you don’t feel comfortable saying online.
¨  Don’t engage in a war of words on the net. 
¨  You don’t have to respond to everything that is being said out there, resist the temptation.   
¨  Don’t place a link to your blog on somebody else’s blog unless you’ve written or contributed something that justifies your citing your own work. 
¨  Don’t play someone else’s game. Keep it above board, play to win and have fun!

WORDS TO AVOID - about, a, an, are, as, at, be, by, com, de, en, for, from, how, I, in, is, it, la, of, on, or, that, the this, to, and, was, what, when, where, who, will, with, www 

Best Practices

When in doubt as to what is acceptable on the web, rely on your good old fashioned common sense.  
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