Monday, March 31, 2014

Use social media channels to promote your law blog #law

Include a call to action request at the end of your blog article requesting readers to share your content.

How to Choose the Right Social Media Networks for Your Law Practice #careertips

The most important thing in identifying the right social media platform is to know your target market. If you don’t know that, then any marketing you are doing anywhere is just a shot in the dark.

Texas Hospital Discloses Huge Breach #databreach

St. Joseph Health System reports that as many as 405,000 records may have been compromised, but actual damage remains speculative.

Avoid negative keywords for your law firm. #careertips

Law firms want to avoid targeting price shoppers, incorrect geographic queries, employment seekers and much more. It is important to note that even if someone does not click on your ad and you aren’t directly paying the price of that click, the impressions you get that are not clicking lower your CTR (click through rate), and can detrimentally affect your Quality Score.

Accretive's Breach: Failed to provide reasonable and appropriate security measures.

The FTC alleged in a complaint against Accretive that the company failed to provide reasonable and appropriate security measures and procedures to protect consumers’ personal information, including sensitive personal health information. The failure to adequately safeguard the data led to a July 2011 incident in Minneapolis, Minn., when an Accretive employee’s unencrypted laptop computer containing data on 23,000 patients of the company’s hospital clients was stolen from the worker’s car.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Retail Breaches: Congress Wants Answers #breach

Congress is demanding answers about the recent retail malware attacks against Target Corp. and Neiman Marcus. And its efforts are yielding results.

Christopher Avery (ChristopherAver) on Twitter

RT @ChristopherAver: want to know what it is? The Key to Getting Past Barriers in Communication #leadership #management #teamwork

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Four Law Blog Content Strategy Tips #careertips

Most laws cover a local geography, so make sure your make your blog posts local. That way you will optimize your firm with Google.

A New Way To Close The Gender Pay Gap #careertips

A new paper by Harvard labor economist Claudia Goldin suggests a way to narrow the persistent pay gap between professional men and women: take a look at big-chain pharmacies.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Weekend Getaway - Hudson Valley Bed and Breakfast

Private getaway at the base of Mt. Beacon. Easy access to hiking trails and walking distance to downtown Beacon. Views of the Hudson Valley from the front exposure, and mountains to the rear. Large airy bedroom with a beautiful tiled bath.The SpaceThe maid's wing of our brick Dutch colonial home is situated on a ten acre estate. There is a secluded.and private apartment entrance off a mountain road. The private Base Camp of Dry Kill Estate is your escape from the routine for a pleasant getaway.There are magnificent views atop Mount Beacon, (which is part of this estate), of our Hudson Valley and the Schwangunk Ridge.

N.S.A. Breached Chinese Servers Seen as Security Threat #cybersecurity

“The N.S.A. Complex.” The documents, as well as interviews with intelligence officials, offer new insights into the United States’ escalating digital cold war with Beijing.

New Ideas for Mitigating Insider Threat

Continuous security clearance vetting of individuals should employ a risk management approach and be based on the sensitivity and quantity of the programs and information to which individuals are given access.

Leadership: What We Don’t Know We Don’t Know #careertips

I believe that learning is stronger than knowledge, that perception is more potent than reality, that vision is more powerful than actuality.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

2014 Digital Media Marketing Trends - Infographic

The biggest sea change to hit our industry in a long time (and frankly, the Internet as a whole) is the rise of mobile. I’m not over-estimating it when I say the way we surf the web, as well as new “locations-based” tactics will forever revolutionize how marketing is done. Don’t believe me? Well, the numbers don’t lie!

How Companies Can Attract the Best College Talent #law

Too many companies are focused on giving away swag, under the perception that free stuff gets eyeballs. But Millennials are more interested in identifying with your mission than they are in a free T-shirt. If you want their mindshare you have to go beyond swag, and that concept should extend beyond career fairs to everything they read and hear about you.

Younger Diabetics at a Great Risk of Contracting Neuropathy

Experts believe that diabetics who are at the greatest risk of contracting peripheral neuropathy are those who have been suffering from diabetes for a long period of time. However, truth is that young diabetes patients are at a great risk of contracting neuropathy as well.

Total Records Exposed by Breach Type #cybersecuity

"Cybersecurity is not an IT problem, it's a compliance solution" The SMLR Group utilizes our expertise to guide our clients in crafting a defensible position for dealing with data and PII breach, cyberdefense, and compliance.

70+ Websites to Submit Your Startup for Massive Exposure

Digital marketing specialist with more than 7 years experience in search engine optimization (SEO) , Social media marketing, conversion optimization and content writing. I work with companies to reach their traffic goals and increase sales. If you're interested in a complete digital marketing strategy for your business

What 95% of Law Firms Are Doing Wrong (and How You Can Fix It) #Careertips

Before you transfer a person, always get their name and number in case you get disconnected so you can call back.

Job Application Tips: Do References Matter? #careertips

How much care and attention do you put into your employment references during your search for a job? For many job seekers, this important part of the hiring process is often overlooked.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Weekend Getaway - Hudson Valley Bed and Breakfast

Private getaway at the base of Mt. Beacon. Easy access to hiking trails and walking distance to downtown Beacon. Views of the Hudson Valley from the front exposure, and mountains to the rear. Large airy bedroom with a beautiful tiled bath.The SpaceThe maid's wing of our brick Dutch colonial home is situated on a ten acre estate. There is a secluded.and private apartment entrance off a mountain road. The private Base Camp of Dry Kill Estate is your escape from the routine for a pleasant getaway.There are magnificent views atop Mount Beacon, (which is part of this estate), of our Hudson Valley and the Schwangunk Ridge.

Weekend Getaway - Hudson Valley Bed and Breakfast

Private getaway at the base of Mt. Beacon. Easy access to hiking trails and walking distance to downtown Beacon. Views of the Hudson Valley from the front exposure, and mountains to the rear. Large airy bedroom with a beautiful tiled bath.The SpaceThe maid's wing of our brick Dutch colonial home is situated on a ten acre estate. There is a secluded.and private apartment entrance off a mountain road. The private Base Camp of Dry Kill Estate is your escape from the routine for a pleasant getaway.There are magnificent views atop Mount Beacon, (which is part of this estate), of our Hudson Valley and the Schwangunk Ridge.

Creative Recruiting Tactics to Land Dream Hire #recruiting

Increasingly, companies are using video games to recruit employees. Gamification, or the use of gaming principles and design in non-gaming situations, identifies potential employees by posing virtual challenges that require the skills necessary for a given job.

Infographic A / B Split Testing

Choose the segment the best fits your specific objectives and strategies. Understand you target markets usage and behaviors.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Retreats let firms face themselves #law

A retreat allows attorneys (either including or excluding associates) to meet for an extended period of time away from the office and the daily pressures of business to discuss issues concerning the firm and developments in areas of the law and trends in the firm's practice in light of these developments. Many firms consider specific problems, while other firms conduct retreats to identify goals and reach consensus on them.

Friday, March 21, 2014

OIG to Review Medical Device Security Inspector General

The HHS Office of Inspector General plans to scrutinize a number of security-related activities in the healthcare sector in fiscal 2014, including reviewing whether hospitals' security controls over networked medical devices are sufficient to effectively protect patients' information.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Modern-Day Mobile Lawyer's Manifesto

Mobile lawyering brings with it great freedom but, without proper precautions, great peril. If our hypothetical graphic designer has her laptop stolen, she loses her work product and creative goodies, but for us as lawyers, the stakes are higher: We get sued for malpractice. If you neglect your security protocols, you have opened yourself up to an ethics complaint, malpractice suit, or both. That said, let me run through some of my favorite mobile safety tips.

Dealing with Tensions Surrounding Partner Compensation

Partners who do not generate much of their own business, but have high billable hours, obviously promote a system based upon billable hours only. Partners who tend to bring in a great amount of "rain" and allow it to be serviced by others, normally would promote a system based solely upon origination.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Heatlth Care Data Breaches: Far More Victims in 2013

Key steps to preventing healthcare data breaches of all sizes, experts say, include conducting a thorough risk analysis to identify security risks; encrypting computing devices, especially mobile gear; and mimimizing the amount of sensitive data stored on end-users’ devices.
RT @eB2B_law: The Rule of #Law

HHS Announces Pre-Audit HIPAA Surveys #cybersecurity

The Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights (“OCR”) recently announced that it intends to survey up to 1,200 covered entities and business associates to determine their suitability for a more fulsome HIPAA compliance audit.

Webinar Series Featuring Digital Forensics and Cybersecurity Expert, Darren Hayes

Digital forensic and cybersecurity expert Darren Hayes will discuss cases involved in cybercrime in an upcoming webinar to be announced later this month hosted by strategic partner The SMLR Group.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Globalization: Good News for America’s Diverse Talent

During the decade or more that globalization siphoned off American jobs, scant attention was paid to the effect globalization was having on the most foundational Diversity and Inclusion work — building and nurturing a diverse talent pipeline.

Monday, March 17, 2014

How Important Is Leadership In Law Firms?

Leadership focuses on innovation and is able to take advantage of changing market conditions; and everyone has confidence in the future of the firm.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Healthcare Cyberthreat Updates through HITRUST #cybersecurity

HHS Partnering with HITRUST to Provide Monthly Briefing By Marianne Kolbasuk McGee, March 13, 2014. Follow Marianne @HealthInfoSec To help the healthcare sector better understand the cybersecurity issues it faces, the Department of Health and Human Services and the HITRUST Alliance are partnering to provide monthly cyberthreat briefings.

How Difficult Is Your Maze? How To Be A 'Hard Target'

At the end of the day, cybercrime is about economics – attackers look to turn a profit, and the more you can slow them down, the more disincentive they will have to come after you. As you slow them down with your outbound maze, you also rapidly increase your odds of being able to detect them – watching one exit out of a maze is far easier than watching an open field!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Weekend Getaway - Hudson Valley Bed and Breakfast

Private getaway at the base of Mt. Beacon. Easy access to hiking trails and walking distance to downtown Beacon. Views of the Hudson Valley from the front exposure, and mountains to the rear. Large airy bedroom with a beautiful tiled bath.The SpaceThe maid's wing of our brick Dutch colonial home is situated on a ten acre estate. There is a secluded.and private apartment entrance off a mountain road. The private Base Camp of Dry Kill Estate is your escape from the routine for a pleasant getaway.There are magnificent views atop Mount Beacon, (which is part of this estate), of our Hudson Valley and the Schwangunk Ridge.
RT @BruceVH: "Undeniably motivating!" is what one reviewer said about my @YouCanGoTheDist #Marathon Training book!

Usability & SEO what is the relation

You need less quantity of text, images, “buttons” and links. Make sure you offer the visitor useful and interesting information, as intuitively as possible. A great way to do that is to make a list, so the visitor can detect and “scan” the text for the information that they are looking for.

Vendor Compliance: The Untold Security Threat

Target’s disclosure that credentials stolen from a vendor were used to break into its network and steal 40 million credit- and debit-card numbers highlights the fact that a company’s security is only as strong as the weakest link in its supply chain.

Time To Think Differently About Strategy

In the final analysis most of these strategic planning “systems” appear to result only in massive paper, solemnly clad in three ring binders, gathering dust - their specific prognostications long forgotten.

Target Corp. When will the other shoe drop.

First Target, then Neiman Marcus; who’s next? And while banking institutions await the next attack, how should they respond to customers’ anxious questions about this latest round of high-profile retail data breaches?

Matt Monge (MattMonge) on Twitter

RT @MattMonge: In Your Organization, Does Family Come First?  via @shawmu

Friday, March 14, 2014

Total Records Exposed by Breach Type #cybersecurity

"Cybersecurity is not an IT problem, it's a compliance solution" The SMLR Group utilizes our expertise to guide our clients in crafting a defensible position for dealing with data and PII breach, cyberdefense, and compliance.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Weekend Getaway - Hudson Valley Bed and Breakfast

Private getaway at the base of Mt. Beacon. Easy access to hiking trails and walking distance to downtown Beacon. Views of the Hudson Valley from the front exposure, and mountains to the rear. Large airy bedroom with a beautiful tiled bath.The SpaceThe maid's wing of our brick Dutch colonial home is situated on a ten acre estate. There is a secluded.and private apartment entrance off a mountain road. The private Base Camp of Dry Kill Estate is your escape from the routine for a pleasant getaway.There are magnificent views atop Mount Beacon, (which is part of this estate), of our Hudson Valley and the Schwangunk Ridge.

Iranian hackers were able to infiltrate a Navy military network #cybersecurity

Organizations are only a few hacks away from disaster - data security needs to become a top-level strategic priority.

Welcome to the Leadership Advisory Board

There is a dearth of good advice and mentoring available to new managing partners. It is staggering to think that corporate CEO's and other C-level people in the corporate world train their entire careers in order to be prepared when it is their turns to take the helm, but law firms put people at the helm of an enterprise whose revenue numbers have two commas in them with little or no formal training and almost no mentoring.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Kill Switch Mobile Security Legislation Introduced #mobilesec

Cell phone theft is growing quickly across the country, and unfortunately, smart phone manufacturers and carriers have not done enough to ensure the safety and security of their customers.

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PayPal Showcases Offline Payments at SXSW #PayPalIt @shashib! via @newsle

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Omlet Launches Privacy Focused Chat App At SXSW 2014 - #privacy via @_feedspot

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Total Records Exposed by Breach Type #cybersecurity

"Cybersecurity is not an IT problem, it's a compliance solution" The SMLR Group utilizes our expertise to guide our clients in crafting a defensible position for dealing with data and PII breach, cyberdefense, and compliance.

Weekend Getaway - Hudson Valley Bed and Breakfast

Private getaway at the base of Mt. Beacon. Easy access to hiking trails and walking distance to downtown Beacon. Views of the Hudson Valley from the front exposure, and mountains to the rear. Large airy bedroom with a beautiful tiled bath.The SpaceThe maid's wing of our brick Dutch colonial home is situated on a ten acre estate. There is a secluded.and private apartment entrance off a mountain road. The private Base Camp of Dry Kill Estate is your escape from the routine for a pleasant getaway.There are magnificent views atop Mount Beacon, (which is part of this estate), of our Hudson Valley and the Schwangunk Ridge.

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Julian Assange at SXSW: 'People Are Products Sold to Advertisers #ethics via @_feedspot

Monday, March 10, 2014

I filled a job you didn't know you had #legal #jobs

What about asking a couple of questions in the job description, like “What do you plan to accomplish in the first 30, 60, and 90 days in this role?” and “How do you plan to achieve those goals?”

specularX Presents: SPEC

Mobile Data Secured. Everywhere. At All Times.

Weekend Getaway - Hudson Valley Bed and Breakfast

Private getaway at the base of Mt. Beacon. Easy access to hiking trails and walking distance to downtown Beacon. Views of the Hudson Valley from the front exposure, and mountains to the rear. Large airy bedroom with a beautiful tiled bath.The SpaceThe maid's wing of our brick Dutch colonial home is situated on a ten acre estate. There is a secluded.and private apartment entrance off a mountain road. The private Base Camp of Dry Kill Estate is your escape from the routine for a pleasant getaway.There are magnificent views atop Mount Beacon, (which is part of this estate), of our Hudson Valley and the Schwangunk Ridge.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Total Records Exposed by Breach Type #cybersecurity

"Cybersecurity is not an IT problem, it's a compliance solution" The SMLR Group utilizes our expertise to guide our clients in crafting a defensible position for dealing with data and PII breach, cyberdefense, and compliance.

Marketing Pulse Survey 2013

Korn Ferry Marketing Center of Expertise surveyed 124 Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) and marketing leaders to determine the foremost issues facing CMOs and top marketers today. Talent development, big data management, online advertising trends, and customer engagement were among the topics generating strong sentiment marketing executives today.

Weekend Getaway - Hudson Valley Bed and Breakfast

Private getaway at the base of Mt. Beacon. Easy access to hiking trails and walking distance to downtown Beacon. Views of the Hudson Valley from the front exposure, and mountains to the rear. Large airy bedroom with a beautiful tiled bath.The SpaceThe maid's wing of our brick Dutch colonial home is situated on a ten acre estate. There is a secluded.and private apartment entrance off a mountain road. The private Base Camp of Dry Kill Estate is your escape from the routine for a pleasant getaway.There are magnificent views atop Mount Beacon, (which is part of this estate), of our Hudson Valley and the Schwangunk Ridge.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Weekend Getaway in the Hudson Valley #bedandbreakfast

Base Camp was great! Very cozy and everything we were looking for. Friendly host. We wished we had stayed the whole weekend!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A Beginner’s Guide To Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of tailoring a website and its pages so that it ranks higher in relevant search results.

SEO in the Personalization Age

Personalization in search marketing is not something new—it was (re)launched on Google in 2005. Still, it was only with the launch of "Search, plus Your World" (January 2012), the rollout of the Venice Update (February 2012), and the introduction of Google Now (July 2012), that the personalization factor has become predominant.

Tech 100 Boards: Where are the women?

Korn Ferry recently analyzed the membership of boards of directors of the Tech100, a list of the largest US technology companies as ranked by revenue as of June 2013. We then compared the makeup of those boards with that of the KFMC100, the largest companies by market capitalization in all sectors.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

From Where We Stand

In case you missed it, From Where We Stand is a professional mountain bike movie filmed two hours from New Paltz in Oneonta, New York!

Kaiser Plan Reaches Breach Settlement #cyberinsurance

Kaiser Foundation Health Plan has reached a settlement with the California Attorney General's office related to a 2011 breach that compromised personal data of about 30,000 of the plan's employees.

Monday, March 3, 2014

The Korn Ferry Compensation Survey of Institutional Sales: Asset Management

Regulatory requirements and political pressures have altered the compensation environment, with deferred compensation now a primary component of pay packages. This makes hiring senior talent very costly, as the best candidates want to recoup the unvested deferred pay they leave behind when changing companies. Asset managers must leverage other aspects of their firm to attract talent, hire intelligently to minimize the expensive risk of each new hire, and put more focus on development and retention.

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