Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Charity Event to Raise Awareness About Childhood Obesity

Sara Connolly, Founder / President

SAVE THE DATE | November 9th, 2011  8pm at The Elmo Lounge
Charity event to raise awareness about childhood obesity. 
New York, NY – Please join Sara Connolly for a fundraising event to fight childhood obesity Wednesday November 9th at The Hudson Charter House.   Ms. Connolly is the founder of N.E.E.D.S., a not for profit organization whose mission is to educate and coach children about how the health risks of obesity that can lead to diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, bone and joint problems and depression. 

 N.E.E.D.S. programs educate kids in the greater New York region about nutrition, exercise, education, and diversity of skills.  The charity fundraiser will generate greater awareness about the obesity crisis here in the U.S.  The N.E.E.D.S. team is comprised of doctors, nutritionists, behavior specialists and fitness specialists who are concerned about America’s poor state of health.  The team works with individuals, families, health centers, schools and the community to prevent identify and manage childhood obesity.  Evaluations are conducted to learn each individual child’s medical, nutritional and emotional well-being.  For the past ten years Connolly has been whipping New Yorkers into shape as a personal trainer, while teaching healthy life affirming choices. 

Contributions will go towards acquiring a building and furthering research to eliminate obesity.

Visit our website,
Join Sara Connolly on Facebook, raise awareness
Andrew Ciccone, Media Relations                                                                                   Elmo Lounge
Hudson Valley Media                                                                                                          156 Seventh Avenue
PO Box 144                                                                                                                          New York, NY 10011
Millbrook, NY 12545                                                                                                         212.337.8000


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Data Mining: Develop Smart, Strategic Media Plans

Wednesday, September 21 @ 10am EST 
Andrew Ciccone, Chief Strategist at hudson valley media
WEBINAR: Successful marketing campaigns are based on sound research. how do you do yours?
Join SYNTAX and Hudson Valley Media for a free webinar that will teach you how to identify your marketing objectives and strategies.  Learn how data mining can help you discover leads and win new business.
  • text-mine profitable keywords
  • identify and track market trends
  • analyze target-market demographics
This engaging webinar is perfect for creatives, small business owners, and not for profits.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Media Consumption Trends

An increasing share of the US news audience turned to the internet in 2010, according to a new report from the Pew Project for Excellence in Journalism. Data from “State of the News Media 2011″ indicates in 2010, every news platform except for the internet saw audiences either stall or decline.

Internet News Platform Grows 17%
Pew data indicates the US audience for the internet news platform grew 25% between 2001 and 2010. Network, Cable and Newspaper have declined significantly during the same period.  For the most part Radio news consumption has remained constant.  Over the past ten years online news has grown 25% as TV news consumption has declined nearly 10%. 

Hudson Valley Media is powered by HubSpot

Monday, April 25, 2011

Senior Wellness Specialists team awarded Florida healthcare projects.

Senior Wellness Specialists News Release
For Immediate Release: April 25, 2011
Media Inquiries:   
Andrew Ciccone |Hudson Valley PR | 914.557.0516 |

Senior Wellness Specialists team of interior designers
awarded healthcare projects for seniors in Florida.

BOCA RATON, FLORIDA – April 25, 2011 - Senior Wellness Specialists has been selected to provide Universal Design schemes for two seniors’ projects in Florida. The first contract is for the $45 million Riviera Nursing Home project, located in Miami-Dade County (Coral Gables).  The five story, 76,000 square foot structure with 135 rooms will house approximately 240 patients.  Located in North Central Florida, Marion County (Ocala),  the second contract is  for Fairmont Park Senior Life Care Campus, a continuum of care complex consisting of two buildings, each with over 80,000 square feet.   This $27 million project will accommodate  114 residents in the assisted-living building and 96 residents in the independent-living building which will have 7,000 square feet of medical/wellness area.  
Fairmont Park, located in Ocala is best know for its rolling hills and horses reminiscent of California's Napa Valley.  The furnishings for this complex will energize and set one at ease with a combination of dark woods, stucco walls, stone, oversized iron chandeliers and a clay floor. A terra cotta tiled roof completes the setting of a Tuscan Villa retreat.    
The design work for The New Riviera Nursing home in Coral Gables, FL. has already begun.  This project  was inspired by architect Addison Mizner whose revival style interpretations left an indelible stamp on South Florida that architects continue to draw upon.  The styling of the Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables Fl. was a major influence for The New Rivera's color scheme.  A pallet of gold's, honey, paprika and green accents create an old world charm with chic contemporary comforts. 
Senior Wellness Specialists recognizes the under-served needs of the aging baby boomer population by offering a wide -range of quality services to create a safe environment for the elderly to age comfortably in their own home. 
Senior Wellness Specialists is a lifestyle and healthcare services company offering Universal Design and Senior Concierge services for all stages of life.  “We create safe environments for a lifetime of independence.  For 20 years we have been improving the quality of living for the elderly.  Until recently, there was limited research on wellness. Our designers constantly integrate new learning on aging and the expertise from the medical community into our projects.  It is our passion.“ said President Andy Berger.  
Universal design is also known as lifespan design.  Applying core architectural considerations that create barrier free spaces with an aesthetic that helps people stay in their home as long as possible.  “Our design team is very excited about creating a nourishing, compassionate environment that supports the health and well-being of the elderly.  That’s what universal design is,”  said visionary Andy Berger. 
Please visit our website(s) for more information on Universal Design  and Senior Concierge Services and to view our photo galleries:
Senior Wellness Specialists is a subsidiary of D&B Interiors serving South Florida and beyond since 1991. Services  include:  transportation, in-home medical care, physical therapy, personal trainer, nutritionist, housekeeping, 24 hour in-home security and most importantly peace of mind. 

Beauty and practicality create a very rich high end home environment.  


Senior Wellness Specialists
4000 NW 25th Way
Boca Raton, FL 33434
Phone (561) 998.3222 | Fax (561) 997.0080

Friday, April 22, 2011

Please give a voice to our energy crisis.

The United States is in trouble.  
Believe it.

Energy costs have doubled in the past 10 years.  Stimulus efforts by our government have had little to no affect on jump starting this economy.

Energy is the fuel that drives the economy.
We must give everyone a break on the cost of fuel.  There is no better way to energize this economy.  Energy affects every facet of our lives.  It is crippling this economy.

Join this unified effort to encourage our elected officials to find a way to act on behalf of our businesses and taxpayers. 

We the undersigned, call on President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Honorable John Boehner, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Senator Charles Schumer, Honorable Nan Hayworth, Honorable Chris Gibson, and Honorable Maurice Hinchey.

Please sign this petition to act now for lower fuel prices.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

What about the Ivory Coast

Africa:  Neglected.  Suffers in silence.

Nuclear fall out from the reactors in Japan.  Civil unrest, censorship and governmental crack down in the Middle East and sadly all these events eclipse the tragedy that has persisted in Africa.

“What can we do?” he said. “When the rains come we will really suffer.”

Mr. Dourmadji and hundreds of other ragged, hungry people came out of hiding Friday morning to meet John Holmes, the United Nations’ new under secretary general for humanitarian affairs, who visited the Central African Republic on the last leg of a 10-day visit to the region.

Give a voice to injustice, speak out for those who cries are not heard.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sustainability Conference | March 22, 23 Drexel Philadelphia

For Immediate Release: 

The Sustainability Collaborative, the leading organization network, and the meeting place of people, ideas and concepts, that is helping to shape the important issue pertaining to universal sustainability; and Drexel University, one of America's most prestigious university's will conduct a Summit Conference March 22 and the 23, 2011, at the Drexel University-Bossone Research Center, 3140 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa 19104. The Summit Conference will begin at 9am on March 22, 2011.

Keynote speakers will include, Robert L. Lattimer, Senior Fellow, Diversity Studies, John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development, Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, Rutgers University; Debbie McCormack, Deputy Managing Director, Deloitte; Mike Maggio, Vice President, Johnson & Johnson; Glenn Barbi, Vice President, Office of Sustainability, Becton Dickinson; and a senior official from the Obama Administration; the program will be introduced by Ann Lee-Jeffs, founder, Sustainability Collaborative.

Other presenters will include, William F. Lynch, Ph.D., Dean, Goodwin College of Professional Studies, Drexel University, Dr. John M. Gould, the Collaborative for Sustainable & Regenerative Learning at Drexel, Jo Opot, Global Vice President, Business Development, Terra Cycle, Daniel F. Oscar, President & CEO, the Princeton Center for Leadership Training, Fenna Hanes, Executive Director, New England Board of Higher Education, Joanne Gere, Founder, BioScience Collaborative and President, Association for Women in Science, Randi Schoenfelder, Managing Partner, Theololite Human Capital, and others.

The objectives of the SustaiNext 2011, Summit Conference, is to present the latest research by experts regarding America's educational, economic, workforce development, and public policy pertaining to the science and the strategy of sustainability program solution development.

For Additional Information visit, or contact either Randi Schoenfelder or Joanne Gere at (609) 203-6852 and/or

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Developing an Online Presence.

Developing an Online Presence

Find your Voice          
Don’t  offer  what is already out there.  No one will pay you any bother.  Offer interesting, original, unique content and provide something of real value.  
Authenticity and transparency are a must.

Intellectual Property ™
Does Facebook own everything I post and upload on my site?  Not exactly, in theory you have legal recourse should anyone steal any of your intellectual property.  The truth is that the rewards may not be worth the energy and expense.  Same goes for slander. 
My personal policy is that I don’t post anything on the net unless I’m prepared to face these harsh, yet unlikely consequences.
Keep it simple.
The most successful campaigns and messaging speak with one voiceAll of your promotional efforts on Radio, Print, TV, Direct Mail, and the Net should be easily identifiable.  The voice, tone, typefaces, colors, and feel should all be consistent.
¨  Add something personal to your profile, on and off the net
¨  Use concise headers no more than eight words, bullets, icons and other graphics to highlight critical selling points.  
¨  Readers tend to scan, keep your pages short, and stay on topic. 
¨  Integrate keywords mindful of density.
¨  Avoid slang and colloquialisms.
¨  Less is always more when copywriting, get to the point.
¨  Write using an active voice.
¨  Break key ideas into bullet points. 

Developing an Online Presence
Editorial Guidelines
Google       http://
Yahoo!       http://
MSN          http://

Delete all offensive content on your sites. 

Don’t overdo it!
¨  Don’t say anything you don’t feel comfortable saying online.
¨  Don’t engage in a war of words on the net. 
¨  You don’t have to respond to everything that is being said out there, resist the temptation.   
¨  Don’t place a link to your blog on somebody else’s blog unless you’ve written or contributed something that justifies your citing your own work. 
¨  Don’t play someone else’s game. Keep it above board, play to win and have fun!

WORDS TO AVOID - about, a, an, are, as, at, be, by, com, de, en, for, from, how, I, in, is, it, la, of, on, or, that, the this, to, and, was, what, when, where, who, will, with, www 

Best Practices

When in doubt as to what is acceptable on the web, rely on your good old fashioned common sense.  
Top of Form
Bottom of Form

Tuesday, February 1, 2011



The boundaries between news and entertainment are being further distorted from this virtual world our society is embracing. Read my white paper, .

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sponsorship Opportunities | IABC Heritage Region 2011 Conference

Sponsorship Opportunities Now Available for The IABC Heritage Region 2011 Fall Conference

Customizable sponsorship opportunities are available at levels from $500 to $10,000, with appropriate recognition, branding and benefits, which may include signage, and one or more complimentary conference registrations.
The annual IABC Heritage Region Conference typically draws about 200 professional communicators who gather to network, share best practices, learn from the best practitioners and have a little fun. The IABC Heritage Region covers 17 states, plus Washington, D.C., with more than 2,800 members working within the communications field.

• This is our 6th year, and we’ve grown attendance in each, despite the economy. Holding the conference in Detroit makes for short, cheap flights or manageable drives, reasonably priced hotel and all-around cost effectiveness.
• Speakers include some of the communication field’s most influential and well-respected speakers from industry-leading companies along with senior IABC leaders.
• We’re starting to approach our deadline for marketing materials – all told, we’ll generate about 50,000 impressions with direct marketing efforts, depending on the level of sponsorship.

Don't miss this opportunity!

Contact one of our sponsor relations representatives for details on how you can fine tune your investment for maximum impact.

Andrew Ciccone (845) 702-6226
Tom OConnell (248) 960-3607
Barbara Puffer (203) 494-2765
Gary Spondike (248) 591-2610

Friday, January 7, 2011

Social Media Basics

Just a bite

Expand your reach and influence online

Would you like to learn more ways to make your blog postings, tweets and other status updates more effective? If so, please join me at PRSA’s Feb. 22 webinar, “Write for Social Media.” You’ll learn how to:
  • Use the 70-20-10 rule for engaging your followers, plus other tips for making sure your status updates are welcome guests, not intrusive pests.
  • Pass the “who cares?” test and four other techniques for becoming a resource, not a bore, on social media.
  • Get retweeted and liked. Learn a dozen steps for expanding your influence and reach on Facebook and Twitter.
  • Tweet like the FBI. Write dramatic, compelling status updates that draw followers and get clicks.
  • Make your posts personable. There’s a reason they call it “social” media.
  • Tweak your tweets. Get your message across in 140 characters or less. Plus, learn how to make 140 characters go further — and when you must come in under the character limit.
Excerpt from Ann Wylie's Writing Tips

Learn more about social media,

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Horse & Hunt Country


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