Monday, September 30, 2013

Engaging motion graphics -- Exciting…Memorable…Moving. #motion

Our motion graphics reel showcases a range of organic, engaging title and logo treatments for live conferences, campaigns and experimental projects. In every project our goal is to engage the audience, capture the essence of the message and deliver a memorable experience.

Why your YouTube is Broken And How Video Curation Will Fix It #digital-media #video #branding (AdAge)

Video curators handpick the most interesting videos available and organize them into easily approachable categories and themes, courting viewers with more offbeat topics.

Censorship, privacy and the ethics of Craigslist #ethics #media (

A young, small, female dog was brutally tortured with injuries were so severe the only humane thing to do was euthanize, instead the owner put the dog up for adoption on Craigslist.

‘Made in Italy’ is a philosophy, a standard for high quality and beauty, functionality and aesthetics #design (Print Magazine)

‘Made in Italy’ is a philosophy, a standard for “high quality and beauty, functionality and aesthetics,” according to Svetlana GrnĨaroska and Andrea Sotgiu of BlueStepStudio.

#Branding Letterheads: Then and Then #design #typography (Print Magazine)

Whatever the fate of the printed page, letterheads (actual or virtual) will never disappear. What’s more, they will always change.

Branding Diversity & Inclusion – Inspiring and effective D&I programs. #diversity #i

Following is a compilation of Diversity & Inclusion programs we branded and helped develop for clients such as JPMorgan Chase, HBO, Merrill Lynch, Pfizer and others.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Engaging multicultural campaigns – Diversifying B2B and B2C markets. #multicultural

Following is a compilation of diverse multicultural marketing programs we developed for large and small clients in various industries, such as Financial, Telecommunications, Health and Cosmetic. Brands included Colgate Palmolive, JPMorgan Chase, L'Oreal, Verizon and others.

Socially Responsible Design: Stamping out Unemployment (Print Magazine) #design #crowd

Images like a soup line prompted people to act, photographs served to shed light on the plight of the masses. Today, graphic designers create subtle messaging with green stamps.

Vine video isn't a tool. It's a destination. (AdAge) #digital #video #motion #advertising

On Facebook, it's impressive if 10% of your followers even see your post. On Vine, top users can get that kind of percentage of followers engaging with a post. Some posts generate even more interactions than the creator's number of followers.

The Pope declares he’s no right winger #diversity #inclusion

Pope Francis is making overtures to the poor, to women, to the LGBT community, to non-Catholics and even to atheists!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Women: Beneficiaries and Mediators of ‘Deep Diversity’ #women #diversity #inclusion

There is a direct connection between a group’s performance and its diversity — specifically how many women are included.

Why Teach Multicultural Literature? (HuffPost) #multicultural

Why do the best-performing nonprofits have great CEO-chair partnerships and how do we create one. (HuffPost) #nonprofit

How can we engage in more open and honest discussions about how to take the organization to a higher level of performance?

China lifts ban on Facebook and Twitter, really (FastCompany) #censorship #diversity

China is accused of widespread hacking of Facebook and Twitter feeds, email, and media outlets around the world. Can you say "cognitive dissonance"?

Effective brand identities -- connecting visual with emotional. #branding

Following is a compilation of diverse brand identities I've created for small to mid-sized companies, non-profits and Fortune 500 corporations.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Memorable nonprofits and CSR campaigns – Engaging audiences. Advancing causes. #nonprofits

Following is a compilation of non-profits projects we produced for regional, national and international organizations, as well as corporate responsibility programs for Colgate-Palmolive, JPMorgan Chase, Time Warner, and others.

Working with the underserved market of small nonprofits (WSJ) #nonprofit

When charities tell you their story you can become passionate about their mission and your role in helping them achieve it. They're trying to do good for somebody and you can feel good about that.

Leadership in crisis, (WSJ) what it takes to be a true leader #leadership #crisis

Don't wait for a crisis to learn if you have what it takes.

What makes a brand genius? (Ad Week) #branding

10 brands and their chief marketing executives pushed well past convention to deliver breakthrough branding initiatives -- deeply savvy in their approach to marketing in this social and fragmented world.

(Design Taxi) “The World Is Flat”, series shows how flatter logos de-clutter a space, prompting interactivity within interfaces #design #engagement

Objects in real life can be transformed into flat logos. “The World Is Flat”, series shows how flatter logos de-clutter a space, allowing people to interact with these design interfaces more easily.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Monday, September 23, 2013

Despite the fact that it is a $9Billion/Year industry, the (NFL) continues to enjoy status as a non-profit organization #nonprofit

Despite being the most profitable sports league in the entire world, the NFL does not pay federal taxes. The NFL should pay their fair share towards our economy!

Diversity as a part of who we are and how we live our lives #diversity #nonprofit

Chavel said his biggest diversity moment was not one moment, but a collection of experiences that taught him early what it felt like to be a minority.

Uncovering talent: a new model for inclusion and diversity #diversity #inclusion


Deadly serious viral content marketing campaign #nonprofit

Women's inclusion key for sports seeking 2020 spot #diversity #inclusion

The Olympic committees are all vying to include women's events in their venues for the 2020 games.

Disney and ESPN team up to promote inclusion for people with disabilities #inclusion #disability

The Walt Disney Company and ESPN are starting a two year initiative to use sports for the promotion of social inclusion, they announced September 6.

Brands for life create meaningful, trustworthy relationships with consumers #branding

Google is an example of a brand employing the first strategy to become a “brand for life.” For its Google Chrome product, the company’s communications strategy has taken a “lifetime” approach, demonstrating how its bevy of offerings can be utilized at multiple points in one’s life.

Creating effective brand identities –- Behind-the-scene design thinking #branding

Welcome to our first edition of Thinking [BRAND] Out Loud, a series designed to capture the behind-the-scene thinking of the design process. Following is an overview of our conceptual development in designing a brand identity for a major telecom provider.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

How to protect your business from a cyber attack.

According to a recent study cited by the U.S. House Small Business Subcommittee on Health and Technology, nearly 20% of all cyber attacks hit small businesses with 250 or fewer employees. Roughly 60% of small businesses close within six months of a cyber attack.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Is the iPhone 5c a Camera or a Phone? #technology #communications

Every picture tells a story and, while you can clear up some blemishes with Photoshop, taking a good first picture is important.

The future of hand writing is in question #design #trends

Thus ends 125 years of standardized classroom instruction known as “The Palmer Method.” Developed in 1888 by Austin Palmer, his book Palmer’s Guide to Business Writing was first published in 1894.

Consumers doubt green-marketing claims #trust #credibility #branding

Nearly a year after the Federal Trade Commission updated its guidelines for environmental advertising, consumers appear more confused or doubtful than ever about what green-marketing claims actually mean.

Ad Council Branding strategy -- creating and maintaining a strong, consistent image across all media. #branding

Following is the branding strategy we developed for the Ad Council to create and maintain a strong, consistent image across all media.

To Create A Successful Product, Start With A Customer Need #branding #innovation

"To hell with facts! We need stories!" -- Ken Kesey, author of "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest"

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Ad Age's 2013 Hispanic Fact Pack Is Out Now #multicultural

Brilliant insights into the important Hispanic market.

Creative Branding For Hamburgers That Uses Fonts To Describe Food #design

Great example of combining typography and graphics for hamburger branding.

Branding Diversity & Inclusion – Inspiring and effective D&I programs. #diversity #inclusion

Following is a compilation of Diversity & Inclusion programs we branded and helped develop for clients such as JPMorgan Chase, HBO, Merrill Lynch, Pfizer and others.

Effective brand identities -- connecting visual with emotional. #branding

Following is a compilation of diverse brand identities I've created for small to mid-sized companies, non-profits and Fortune 500 corporations.

Since Myspace’s founding, several social network spinoffs based in California — have helped leverage the area’s strengths in entertainment, media, business and technology. #digital #technology #crowd

“In terms of creating enterprise value, of starting companies that are hiring and generating revenue, I’d say by far this is the most successful aggregation of entrepreneurs that has yet come out of L.A.,” said Paul Bricault, a venture capitalist at Greycroft Partners and a managing director with a digital media accelerator, Amplify.

A nonprofit organization must pay punitive damages to an African-American employee - use of the "n-word" is inappropriate among minorities in a workplace. #race #inclusion #nonprofit

A federal jury in New York ruled Tuesday that a man who identifies as black and Hispanic and the nonprofit he founded must pay punitive damages to an African-American employee after a previous ruling that the use of the "n-word" is inappropriate among minorities in a workplace.

Americans, outraged by state-sponsored homophobia in Russia, have called for a boycott of Stolichnaya vodka. #equality #diversity #advertising

Boycotts have long been a blunt and contentious instrument of protest. But efforts to pressure Russia’s abstemious president, Vladimir V. Putin, into dropping a new law outlawing “homosexual propaganda” by getting Americans to dump vodka have provided particularly fertile ground for complaints of good intentions gone awry.

Harvard Business School wants to improve the gender balance, but it is far from that goal without extensive hiring. #diversity #inclusion

Harvard Business School says it wants to improve the gender balance among faculty members, but it is far from that goal without extensive hiring.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Why should your #nonprofit care about peer-to-peer #fundraising?

Why should your #nonprofit care about peer-to-peer #fundraising?

Memorable nonprofits and CSR campaigns – Engaging audiences. Advancing causes. #nonprofits

Following is a compilation of non-profits projects we produced for regional, national and international organizations, as well as corporate responsibility programs for Colgate-Palmolive, JPMorgan Chase, Time Warner, and others.

Tapping into Student Innovation to Build a Smarter Planet #IBM #innovation #nonprofit

Students for a Smarter Planet hopes to do this. As an IBM-led, non profit organization, we are a coalition of university students from around the globe. By collaborating with other student groups, professionals and policy makers, our hope is to drive conversations about how, as undergraduate, graduate and PhD students, we can work with the tech industry to develop and implement actionable, world-changing ideas.

When Good Is Not Good Enough #poverty #Harvard-Alcohol-Project #nonprofit

Leaders of two of the most successful nonprofit organizations argue that the sector needs to shift its attention from modest goals that provide short-term relief to bold goals that, while harder to achieve, provide long-term solutions by tackling the root of social problems.

Metrics your nonprofit needs to measure #nonprofit #metrics

Tracking the number of site visits your website receives is fine and dandy - after all, being able to show that your marketing efforts are working is never a bad thing. However, taking this a step further and seeing the visitor to donor ratio can give you a deeper analytics dive. It’s more effective to track not only the visitors but find which ones actually donated.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Focus Should be Data Security, Not Device Security

According to the Mobile Work Exchange report, 73% of government respondents admit security and the ability to protect sensitive information across devices is the top barrier to going mobile. - See more at:

Friday, September 13, 2013

Charity Water and American Express launch #PassionProject, to date they have brought clean water to over 3 million people. #nonprofit #innovation #crowd

Scott Harrison of charity: water discovered a way to turn birthdays into freshwater wells. And 7 years later, his #PassionProject has brought clean water to over 3 million people

Majority surveyed believe they are vulnerable to cyberattack at userpoints — PCs, laptops and desktops.

“Attackers today are very clever, ... They try to obfuscate their attacks. It’s getting harder for organizations to know what’s happening.” Researchers report that 70 percent of the respondents (62 % located in the United States) believed that they were most vulnerable to cyberattack at user endpoints — PCs, laptops and desktops.

Managing a team that’s geographically dispersed can present big challenges #multicultural #communication

Regardless of how people are organised, managing a team that’s geographically dispersed can present big challenges, even for the most experienced bosses.

The rise of multicultural managers #multicultural

Multicultural managers can make a huge, positive difference to the success of global innovation projects and processes.

Engaging motion graphics -- Exciting…Memorable…Moving. #motion

Our motion graphics reel showcases a range of organic, engaging title and logo treatments for live conferences, campaigns and experimental projects. In every project our goal is to engage the audience, capture the essence of the message and deliver a memorable experience.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

BBC drawing on influences from other languages and dialects - Are You Being Served, a comedy about teenage drug dealers #multicultural #television

Jafaican it? No we're not Comedians might play the patois of multicultural Britain for laughs, but spoken English has been drawing on influences from other languages and dialects for centuries

How to Build a Culture of Ethics and Compliance #ethics

“A well-designed compliance program that is not enforced in good faith, such as when corporate management explicitly or implicitly encourages employees to engage in misconduct to achieve business objectives, will be ineffective. DOJ and SEC have often encountered companies with compliance programs that are strong on paper but that nevertheless have significant FCPA violations because management has failed to effectively implement the program even in the face of obvious signs of corruption.

Is our privacy and trust misplaced with social networks like Twitter

“There’s an implicit trust people put into the media and social networking portals like Twitter, ... And that reality – that implicit trust – can be undermined -” A Twitter posting claimed to be from the Syrian Electronic Army (SEA) said, “Media is going down …” #SEA :) posted a screen shot of what appeared to be the search results for Twitter’s domain registry on the domain name registration database,

Fonts Created by Waving an iPhone in the Dark #design #typography

Byrne created each character by waving his iPhone like a magic wand in front of a Canon 5D DSLR and conjured the magical results in three- and four-second exposures. The resulting typeface is dynamic, what you’d expect from a font made by flailing an iPhone around in the dark, but also displays a strong sense of craft.

Yahoo unveiled a new company logo last week, but not so fast. #design #branding

Yahoo unveiled a new company logo last week, but it appears one of the designers who helped come up with the concept may have had other ideas.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Product Package Design for Kids #design #packaging #branding

When I was a kid, we loved candy cigarettes. Sure they sound horrific today, but they were delicious. Yes, we would pretend to smoke them, but according to, each cigarette was only eight calories and we never lit them.

Creating effective brand identities –- Behind-the-scene design thinking #branding

Welcome to our first edition of Thinking [BRAND] Out Loud, a series designed to capture the behind-the-scene thinking of the design process. Following is an overview of our conceptual development in designing a brand identity for a major telecom provider.

Best practices: fraud prevention and consumer awareness of medical ID theft.

Medical ID fraud can have multiple consequences, including risk to patient safety, in addition to financial implications, of which is sorting out medical data that has comingled someone else’s information. “Worst case, a patient could receive the wrong treatment – with potentially dire health consequences. Consumer awareness is very important, and I would welcome a coalition to address it.”

Great Guinness beer ad by BBDO makes your thirsty #branding #diversity #advertising

New York-based advertising agency BBDO New York has created a beautiful new ad for Guinness that tugs on the heartstrings, unlike most beer commercial you have seen. The one-minute ad opens on a scene of wheelchair basketball players, aggressively fighting it out in a game of basketball. They are full of emotion, being equally frustrated and happy whenever each player misses a shot or scores a point. As the game progresses, one player ends up in a hustle and falling over but is quick to get back on his chair independently and confidently.

‘Unnecessary Freshness’ – new ad campaign by Old Spice features NFL players in strange situations that save the day. #branding #advertising

In this new instalment of ads, they have taken down the silliness of the Old Spice man a notch, by pulling new faces from America’s NFL league into the limelight. The new ads feature a theme of ‘Unnecessary Freshness’ and feature these sports stars in strange situations where Old Spice saves the day. A total of four wacky ads have been created.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Future of #Cybersecurity is Dependent upon Regulatory Changes

In the ever-evolving technological world, the future of global cyber-intelligence needs to extend beyond compliance and stagnant regulatory requirements in order to maintain necessary security measures against potential risks.

Hazards of using the internet in public spaces #infographic #social-media

This detailed chart shows that fake WiFi hotspots may be set up by hackers to steal your personal information, and provides a world map of how online censorship works around the world.

Ex IBM employee anonymously leaks confidential information.

“IBM’s name was thrown in the fire because of the actions of an ex employee with an axe to grind who took confidential information and anonymously leaked it. Attention must be paid to the damage these types of insider threats pose, especially because there are solutions out there that address these very problems,”

A Beer You Can Spread On Toast #advertising #branding #marketing

Beer lovers, rejoice! You now can have your beer, and eat it too. A collaboration between two Italian companies from Lazio, chocolate makers Napoleone and beer brewery Alta Quota have created a beer you can spread like butter. An ingenious creation that’s a dream come true for those who love their alcohol, the spreadable beer is described as sweet, “smooth and creamy” and comes in light and dark beer options from Alta Quota: ‘Omid Dark Ale’ and Greta Blond Ale’.

Ad Council Branding strategy -- creating and maintaining a strong, consistent image across all media. #branding

Following is the branding strategy we developed for the Ad Council to create and maintain a strong, consistent image across all media.

September is Ethics Awareness Month at PRSA - inform and educate about ongoing issues and concerns regarding PR ethics. #ethics #PR

Can behavior in social media be policed? Who's in charge if you can? Can there be an ethics code in such a wild and woolly atmosphere? Are there any ethical expectations in social media beyond those already described in the PRSA Code of Ethics?

Monday, September 9, 2013

Black Girls Code, a nonprofit dedicated to educating African American females in all things tech. #diversity #inclusion #nonprofit

Founded by Kimberly Bryant in 2011, Black Girls Code teaches children aged 7-17, with courses covering computer programming, coding, and everything needed to learn how to build websites, robots, and mobile applications.

Yahoo’s new logo design. What. #design #brand

Despite the Yahoo brand now being 18 years old, this latest logo feels like a step backwards in time. The more whimsical elements of the logo, including the varying letter sizes and alignment of the exclamation mark, are at odds with the font they’ve used and did I mention that nasty bevel?

Nonprofitsl: Playing Well With Others #nonprofit #branding

Big Madison Avenue Agencies are joining forces to start an organization devoted to promoting cross-cultural marketing #multicultural

Five big names on Madison Avenue are joining forces to start an organization devoted to promoting what is known as cross-cultural marketing: pitches directed at a general market whose demographic makeup is becoming much more diverse.

Doritos Locos Tacos es Bueno Taco Bell #advertising #marketing #branding

Sales are Going Loco at Taco Bell, Ad Age's Marketer of the Year

Memorable nonprofits and CSR campaigns – Engaging audiences. Advancing causes. #nonprofits

Following is a compilation of non-profits projects we produced for regional, national and international organizations, as well as corporate responsibility programs for Colgate-Palmolive, JPMorgan Chase, Time Warner, and others.

New flexible secruity framework addresses and mitigates data vulnerabilities (industrial automation / control systems).

The new ISA99 standard system requirements are based on a combination of functional requirements and risk assessment and an awareness of operational issues. System Security Requirements and Security Levels, addresses risks arising from the growing use of business information technology (IT) cyber-security solutions to address IACS cyber security in complex and dangerous manufacturing and processing applications.

Wisdom of Oz wins at Saratoga 27-1 for Bella Inizio Farm

After making just nine starts in her first two years as a trainer, Jena Antonucci came to Saratoga for the first time in 2012 with five horses and failed to win at the meet. This year, she markedly upgraded her stock andon Wednesday scored when filly Wisdom of Oz broke her maiden at odds of 27-1.

I refuse to stop running Twitter Ads until @British_Airways finds the lost luggage #empowerment #wisdom #crowd

Disgruntled fliers taking to Twitter to vent their grievances about airlines has become commonplace. But a consumer turning one of those 140-character complaint into an ad? That's something new -- and marketers should have a plan to navigate this new potential route for consumer complaints to go viral.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Only 1 in 8 companies has a fully implemented mobile device security policy

he use of internal corporate rules governing the use of mobile devices could greatly reduce the business risks associated with smartphones and tablets. But a well-developed mobile device security policy tends to be the exception rather than the rule

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Thinking strategically about privacy

For organizations, as the risks associated with personal information continue to escalate, the trend for independent assurance in the privacy sphere keeps growing. Organizations are using a number of tools to address privacy risk. But, organizations and regulators need to work collaboratively to navigate in the increasingly complex privacy landscape. -

Israeli cyber security businesses poised to gain from Syrian crisis

The high-profile cyber attacks emanating from Syria may end up giving Israel’s economy a long-term boost by raising demand from its burgeoning cyber security sector.

Friday, September 6, 2013

The sharing economy; to tell the stories of sharing economy participants to media, policymakers, and everyone else #nonprofit #crowd #wisdom

"A thriving bottom-up economy where technology helps facilitate person-to-person economic interactions around everything in our daily lives--around food, shelter, childcare, and cars--where we've figured out how we take the assets we have and use them as efficiently as possible.

What Nonprofit Branding is NOT #nonprofit #branding

Nice deign definitely helps catch people’s eye, but to capture their heart, mind, and donation dollars, your organization also need engaging words, a story. Nonprofit branding needs both elements working together.

How To Develop A Digital Strategy For Your Nonprofit #nonprofit #strategy

According to The Nonprofit Times, your nonprofit organization should assess who they believe to be the target audience. Define the target audience based on current statistics, website traffic, and any other source of information. Once you start producing content, this audience might shift some.

Cyber Hackers are a real threat, take a proactive approach to security.

The Syrian Electronic Army, which is believed to be a group of hackers who support President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, attacked Melbourne IT, the domain-name registrar used by the Times, Twitter and the British version of the Huffington Post, on Aug. 27, temporarily disrupting traffic and services to the media companies’ websites [see Times, Twitter Attacks Raise New Alarms].

Clinical advances are improving outcomes in diabetic foot care.

Innovative breakthroughs in technology are making real progress in stimulating healing, an absolute must for treating ulcers due to poor circulation to the extremities

Engaging motion graphics -- Exciting…Memorable…Moving. #motion

Our motion graphics reel showcases a range of organic, engaging title and logo treatments for live conferences, campaigns and experimental projects. In every project our goal is to engage the audience, capture the essence of the message and deliver a memorable experience.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Improving attitudes can have long-lasting effects and can help children with disabilities to succeed #disability #empowerment

Children who are exposed to people with disabilities — either directly or indirectly — have more positive attitudes about those with special needs, researchers say. In a survey of 1,520 kids ages 7 to 16, researchers found that increased familiarity with those who have disabilities led to less anxiety and better attitudes.

Creating effective brand identities –- Behind-the-scene design thinking #branding

Thinking [BRAND] Out Loud, a series designed to capture the behind-the-scene thinking of the design process. Following is an overview of our conceptual development in designing a brand identity for a major telecom provider.

Why Do Women Earn Less Than Men? The Aggressiveness Penalty #diversity #inclusion

According to the Catalyst research, women leaders who act in ways that are consistent with gender stereotypes are considered too soft and those who behave outside the stereotype are considered too tough (“the bitch phenomena”).

Disability and Civil Rights: Standing On the Right Side of History #disability #diversity #inclusion

Children with disabilities must be educated in the Least Restrictive Environment, and I know that that phrase has become very subjective with many people, but if you go on to read it states that children with disabilities need to the maximum extent, ok , and to the maximum extent, be educated with children who are not disabled.

If we don't talk about differences, how will we ever grow to understand each other? @elimin8prejudic #equality #inclusion #leadership

We advocate a better understanding between people and eliminate #prejudice along the way | #bullying #LGBT #religious #racial #disability #equality Worldwide via Ohio ·

Department of Health and Human Services has decided to rely on “strict” breach reporting provisions.

The Department of Health and Human Services has decided to rely on “strict” breach reporting provisions that are part of contracts for the exchanges,The one-hour breach reporting mandate for health insurance exchanges has been dropped in the now officially published in the Federal Register and to take effect for the Oct. 1 go-live date for the exchanges.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Ad Council Branding strategy -- creating and maintaining a strong, consistent image across all media. #branding

Thinking [BRAND] Out Loud; a series designed to capture the behind-the-scenes thinking of our strategic branding solutions. Following is the branding strategy we developed for the Ad Council to create and maintain a strong, consistent image across all media.

Supreme Court has sent a very affirming message to LGBT youth that they are part of American society #LGBT #diversity #inclusion

"Everyday, LGBT youth are sent a message that they are less than," said Sainz. "Imagine the power [the Supreme Court’s affirming message] has to a gay or transgender youth sitting in say Mississippi. For the very first time, they may very well have received the message from the highest levels of the United States government that they are in fact no different than their straight counterparts.”

Who Are The Top 10 Women Social Media Influencers? #women

Who are the leading women influencers in social media and marketing? This is not a Forbes list, which are definitive in their fields. It is not a definitive guide. It is my list and my question – are there more and different people to go on here?

What proportion of women over 50 hold key jobs, or any jobs #diversity #inclusion

Older women have been feared, mocked and disregarded since the dawn of time, as witches, pantomime dames, ludicrous, pointless or just plain invisible. Any older woman (maybe not Helen Mirren) feels that threshold crossed when a cursory glance looks through her, an irrelevance, not in the game, no status.

Lessons to be learned from Diana Nyad #leadership #women

Age doesn't matter. Nyad finally completed her historic swim at 64, refusing to entertain the idea that her age might hinder her efforts.


For Immediate Release

Walk to Raise Urgently Needed Dollars for Pancreatic Cancer Research

BETHPAGE, N.Y., October 26, 2013 – Dutchess County Pancreatic Cancer Research Walk is a walk around the Dutchess Stadium Field (4 times around is approximately 1 mile).  All net proceeds will benefit The Lustgarten Foundation, the nation’s largest private foundation dedicated solely to funding pancreatic cancer research. To be held on October 26, 2013 at Dutchess Stadium, Fishkill, NY. The walk aims to raise money and awareness for much-needed research for pancreatic cancer, America’s fourth-leading cause of cancer deaths.

Nicholas Carmine created this event in honor of his dad, Paul A. Carmine. The 3rd Annual Dutchess County Pancreatic Cancer Research Walk hopes to raise more than $50,000 for pancreatic cancer research.

Nicholas Carmine said: “We wanted to start a walk in the Hudson Valley Region because there are walks in the metro NY area and upstate in Albany, but none in between until now.  We want to raise as much money and awareness as possible to fight against this disease."

With an overall survival rate of just six percent, pancreatic cancer is a disease with no prevention, no early tests and, unless detected in its early stages, no cure. The Lustgarten Foundation works to advance scientific and clinical research related to the diagnosis, treatment, cure and prevention of pancreatic cancer. One hundred percent of all donations to the Foundation will go directly to pancreatic cancer research.

Ann Walsh, director of events, The Lustgarten Foundation, said: “We are grateful for Nicholas’ support. It is because of the dedication and determination of individuals like Nicholas that we’re able to not only raise much-needed funding but also much-needed awareness for pancreatic cancer. The Lustgarten Foundation remains dedicated to funding more research so a cure can be found.” 

The Dutchess County Walk will take place at Dutchess Stadium at 8:00 am on Saturday, October 26, 2013. For more information and to register, visit or call 1.866.789.1000.

About The Lustgarten Foundation

The Lustgarten Foundation is America’s largest private foundation dedicated solely to funding pancreatic cancer research. Based in Bethpage, New York, the Foundation supports research to find a cure for pancreatic cancer, facilitates dialogue within the medical and scientific community, and educates the public about the disease through awareness campaigns and fundraising events. The Foundation has provided millions of research dollars and assembled the best scientific minds with the hope that one day, a cure can be found. For more information please visit

Ann Walsh                              
516-803-2419 or                                                               


Dutchess County Residents Walk for the cure | Pancreatic Cancer Research

Hundreds of Dutchess County area residents whose lives have been impacted by pancreatic cancer will join the 3rd Annual Dutchess County Pancreatic Cancer Research Walk on Saturday, October 26 at Dutchess Stadium.

Security Update: How the States are legislating on privacy issues.

Montana’s traditional views on privacy are so strong that many police officers request a warrant even if the law doesn’t require it. When the state Senate House passed the bill by a 92-vote margin in April, many Montanans had no idea they had become pioneers in privacy law.

Advocate Medical Breach: No Encryption?

“A lot of covered entities don’t encrypt computers in facilities because there is physical security to keep people out,” she says. On top of that, many desktops might be older models, and so organizations are not sure what encryption to implement. Often the encryption used for mobile devices doesn’t work with desktops, she says. “There’s a lack of understanding of info security risk mitigation.”

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

How Worried Should Small Businesses Be Regarding Cyber Security?

Instances of hacking—or cyber intrusion tactics—have also become increasingly brazen and widespread. In July, 2013 federal prosecutors indicted five hackers in what is being called the largest data-theft ring in U.S. history, their victims as varied as J.C. Penny, JetBlue, and NASDAQ.

Attacks Against Small Businesses Are Increasing… Size Is NOT A Defense - See more at:

According to a survey authored by the Ponemon Institute, a research firm that conducts independent research on privacy, data protection, and information security policy, more than half of U.S. small businesses experienced at least one data breach.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Computers stolen from a Chicago physician group potentially exposed over million medical patients records.

Information on the computers may have included names, addresses, dates of birth, Social Security numbers and certain clinical information, such as diagnoses, medical records numbers, medical service codes and health insurance information, according to the statement. Complete medical records were not on the computers.

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